Jul 23Liked by Kristen Garaffo

This was so sweet to read and I relate so much to retreating from family gatherings for a breather. Made so much sense when I learned about Human Design. I’m a Projector! Maybe you are too??

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Oooo I love human design! I’m actually a manifesting generator 😍 If I were to tell you all the gazillion things I do it would make total sense 😂 But I’m also an introvert who’s highly sensitive—especially to sound! I thought I was a total flake who couldn’t finish anything until I learned I was an MG. It’s also in my astrology, I have Gemini all over my chart lol 👯‍♀️ It sounds like you found relief once you learned more about being a projector too! Isn’t it wild? Tysm for reading!! 🥹

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Jul 25Liked by Kristen Garaffo

This was so lovely I felt like I was there 🥂 I’m suuuuch an anxious host (have I offered drinks enough/too much, are people too hot/cold, are they bored???). This was a nice reminder that it’s probably actually fine 🌸

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Oooh what a lovely comment! And omg I’m right there with you lol. Someone told me that hosting is all about calm—your guests will be calm as long as you are! Easier said than done sometimes, but it’s been so helpful for me 🥰 Tysm for reading and sharing! 🥹💕

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Jul 23Liked by Kristen Garaffo

And ps I would have been so upset if I wasn’t ready and friends showed up. Not at them more myself like girl you’re not even dressed you should have started earlier or were just moving too slow. it’s the perfectionist in me 😭 but I’m working on that. I love how you WENT WITH THE FLOW! You were excited that your friend came early and you laughed! Y’all both laughed which to me would silence the perfection in my mind from those dreaded words, “You’re not even dressed yet. What’s wrong with you?” 💀 Thank you for the tips and another wonderful read girl!

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Keeping it real, making heart shaped mini waffles one by one was time consuming and we definitely lost track of time 😂 But we were having so much fun it didn’t matter! Tysm for reading queen 🥹💕 xo!

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Jul 23Liked by Kristen Garaffo


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Jul 23Liked by Kristen Garaffo

You just reminded me that I said at the beginning of the year I was going to start inviting the girlies over for afternoon tea 🫖 🫣 It’s the pressure and anxiety that gets to me. Just like you I gotta retreat to recharge.

I laughed when you said change clothes, freshen up etc because girlllll I thought it was only me doing that when I get over stimulated. I love the tip about having a co-host definitely a good idea!

I’ll keep you posted on the afternoon tea💕

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Oooo yes keep me posted! And yeeees, the overstimulated girlies are definitely leaving to take a moment for themselves lolol! 😂

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Jul 21Liked by Kristen Garaffo

This post was such a treat! As a fellow anxious-host bunny, I am hip-hop-hooray-ing for you!

A perfectly timed post: I've been pondering a brunch recently (I had a couple of girlies for dinner and we'd suggested to go out for brunch next time) and I think *hosting* brunch sounds like a lot more fun - especially after reading your post! 💕

Heart-shaped plates are inspired btw; I've taken note 😊

And I've been finding that the more small joys that we can put into hosting (and things generally), the more the anxiety dissipates into love [which sounds borderline-eye-roll-gushy when I read it back but it's there now and I'm sticking by it 😂]

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Eeeee omg tysm for this lovely reply!! Brunch out vs. brunch in is a tough call, but there's something so magical about hosting your friends! I know you'll have an amazing time whichever you choose :) And omg I'm all about gushing about little joys, tbh I think that's why this Substack exists, so please gush away! Thank you so much for reading xoxo

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Jul 22Liked by Kristen Garaffo

Well then let’s absolutely continue to gush away about all the little joys! 😊 Looking forward to your next post x

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Jul 21Liked by Kristen Garaffo

I want to come along to this girlie brunch! Loved this article and totally get the mean girl mind games in your head! <3

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Omg girl, come on over!! 😂 The way my inner mean girl tries to hold me back 🙄 Tysm for reading. I also really like the leopard top in your profile pic, so cute!

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Jul 21Liked by Kristen Garaffo

Ah thank you so so much! I got it from ASOS if you’re wondering <3

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Jul 21Liked by Kristen Garaffo

I relate sooo heavily to that inner mean girl dialogue and get social anxiety before things with friends sometimes (ok every time lol) it’s always worth pushing thru though and when you find amazing people that understand you, those fears are instantly calmed. How cool that memory from growing up was lowkey healed in that moment for you! Thanks for sharing 🥲

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Gaaaah, you get it! And tbh that tiny moment I had upstairs inspired me to write this whole thing 😆 Thank you so much for reading! 🫶🏼✨💕

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Very nicely written. I felt like I was there but not intruding. Those moments make friends in person for an actual event all the better. If ever, probably not, but if my significant other ever was having her girlfriends over, I would help get things ready and check out the other room. I was occasionally going to the kitchen for a coffee or tea. Everyone would stop talking, smile, blush, or laugh and giggle. I would know everything was a hit. You have a prosperous life. Thank you for sharing.

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