This was so good and just reminded me of all the good times I’ve had with similar trips! I love how you list out the simple things, even errands at target haha I can so relate to that!!! I am going to make connection a priority in 2025 💖

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Yes yes yes! We went to Target bc I forgot a toothbrush 😂 I hope you’re able to take a trip this year, or just connect with some friends soon! 🤍

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Haha! The simple task of buying a toothbrush 💖💖💖 thank you!! It’s a priority!

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Saving this for my next trip to chicago this summer!! Thank you!

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Ahhh yay of course! Chicago in the summer will be so wonderful, especially with the beach! 🏖️

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Love this so much!!! Happy you had lovely time with your friend 🥰 I got back from a girls beach trip yesterday — girl time is good for the soul!

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Oooo a February beach trip sounds wonderful! Were you somewhere warm? I want to go back to Chicago when the weather warms up to go the beach there! 🤍

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I live in NC and went to a beach nearby. It was decently warm for February. We were able to sit out on the beach to read on Saturday 🙌🏼🙌🏼 looking forward to going back when it’s even warmer!

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Oooh that’s so lovely! I’m just about ready to start daydreaming about spring 🤭🌸

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Omg call me next time you’re in Chicago 💕💕💕 let’s get dinner at the RL Restaurant!!!!

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Wait I didn’t realize you were in Chicago! And how did I MISS THE RESTAURANT?! I was right there! 🤣 Well now I HAVE to go back!

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It’s SO GOOD!! Yes plz come back for summertime chi!!

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I love how you balance being extra and appreciating the small things.

I just went on a girl's trip to Chicago in October (and going back in April). I am adding Ralph Lauren to the agenda. We brunched at the Restoration Hardware in October which was amazing. I'm fascinated by the retail/food/immersive experiences.

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Yayyy tysm Nina! And Restoration Hardware wasn’t even on my radar! The Ralph Lauren is stunning and I couldn’t believe the stairwells—they just kept going up! The walls were completely covered with huge pieces of art. And the very top is RL Home and I gasped bc I wasn’t prepared 😂

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Yes to prioritizing friendships and visiting friends in 2025! Loved this.

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Yayyyy, thank you so much Bella! 💘

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